Conflict Resolution
Managed well, conflict can be a positive force for productivity and creativity. Handled poorly, it can cause irreparable damage to personal & professional relationships; cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost productivity, absenteeism, related health issues, and more. Our conflict resolution processes are designed to support the resolution of workplace well-being issues in a confidential and emotionally safe setting.

Dialogue is an ideal process to use when parties need to develop understanding between themselves. Dialogue is most helpful when there is misunderstanding, or low-level conflict between individuals or within a team, and the assistance of a third-party is needed to aid communication. A facilitator helps those involved have more productive conversations that stay focused on the issues at hand.

Mediation is used when there are high levels of conflict involved, including challenging emotional content, unpleasant or unresolved history, power struggles, and/or trust issues between individuals or a small team (known as multi-party mediation). The process typically starts with a confidentiality agreement and ends with a written agreement of resolution or settlement. Participants retain control over the content and the outcome, while the mediator guides them through a process in a safe and supportive environment.

Team/Group Intervention
When teams experience dysfunction, they ideally stop to assess the situation and fix it before it gets worse. However, the relentless pace of work, coupled with insufficient coping mechanisms, often means that it gets put on the back burner, making things worse in the long run. We work with teams at any stage of development or any level of distress, so that the end result is a healthily-functioning and harmonious team.